Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Internal Analysis

1. Mission and Objectives The Revlon Company’s goal is to provide glamour, excitement and innovation to consumers through high quality products at affordable prices. Lately the company has been experiencing many challenges to their success. Some of these challenges are global economic problems, increasing competition, and debt concerns from within the company. Despite all of these challenges Revlon has seen some strong growth but have also been experiencing some strong challenges. Revlon has many different categories of which it sells products and they are skincare, cosmetics, personal care, fragrance, and professional products. Revlon has many recognizable names within these categories and the company’s ultimate goal is to emerge as the dominate cosmetics and personal care firm through the twenty-first century. 2. Current Corporate and Business Strategies A. Corporate Strategies Revlon’s believe is in individual values and the integrity of the firm and its actions. The company established a strong team of experienced managers that work to achieve leadership in the cosmetics and skincare industry. The company established the Revlon Learning Center and training programs to communicate its principles to employees. This helps ensure the company’s teamwork approach stays effective I. Concentration / Related or Conglomerate Strategy Revlon has a related strategy in that all of its businesses are not the same but are all towards personal care or cosmetics. Revlon has products in theses business categories: cosmetics, skincare, fragrances, personal care products, and profession products. II. International Strategy Revlon is prominate in many foreign markets which include China, Spain, Mexico, Ireland, Venezuela, New Zealand, Brazil, Argentina, Italy, Russia, South Africa, and France. In 1999 Revlon’s foreign sales were a little more than forty-three percent of their total sales. Revlon’s foreign Net Sa... Free Essays on Internal Analysis Free Essays on Internal Analysis 1. Mission and Objectives The Revlon Company’s goal is to provide glamour, excitement and innovation to consumers through high quality products at affordable prices. Lately the company has been experiencing many challenges to their success. Some of these challenges are global economic problems, increasing competition, and debt concerns from within the company. Despite all of these challenges Revlon has seen some strong growth but have also been experiencing some strong challenges. Revlon has many different categories of which it sells products and they are skincare, cosmetics, personal care, fragrance, and professional products. Revlon has many recognizable names within these categories and the company’s ultimate goal is to emerge as the dominate cosmetics and personal care firm through the twenty-first century. 2. Current Corporate and Business Strategies A. Corporate Strategies Revlon’s believe is in individual values and the integrity of the firm and its actions. The company established a strong team of experienced managers that work to achieve leadership in the cosmetics and skincare industry. The company established the Revlon Learning Center and training programs to communicate its principles to employees. This helps ensure the company’s teamwork approach stays effective I. Concentration / Related or Conglomerate Strategy Revlon has a related strategy in that all of its businesses are not the same but are all towards personal care or cosmetics. Revlon has products in theses business categories: cosmetics, skincare, fragrances, personal care products, and profession products. II. International Strategy Revlon is prominate in many foreign markets which include China, Spain, Mexico, Ireland, Venezuela, New Zealand, Brazil, Argentina, Italy, Russia, South Africa, and France. In 1999 Revlon’s foreign sales were a little more than forty-three percent of their total sales. Revlon’s foreign Net Sa...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Memorable Quotes from Camus The Plague

Memorable Quotes from Camus The Plague The Plague is a famous allegorical novel by Albert Camus, whos known for his existential works. The book was published in 1947 and is considered one of the most important works by Camus. Here are some memorable quotes from the novel. From Part 1 The truth is that everyone is bored, and devotes himself to cultivating habits. Our citizens work hard, but solely with the object of getting rich. Their chief interest is commerce, and their chief aim in life is, as they call it, doing business.You must picture the consternation of our little town, hitherto so tranquil, and now, out of the blue, shaken to its core, like a quite healthy man who all of a sudden feels his temperature shoot up and the blood seething like wildfire in his veins.8,000 rats had been collected, a wave of something like panic swept the town.I cant say I really know him, but ones got to help a neighbor, hasnt one?Rats died in the street; men in their homes. And newspapers are concerned only with the street.Everybody knows that pestilences have a way of recurring in the world; yet somehow we find it hard to believe in ones that crash down on our heads from a blue sky. There have been as many plagues as wars in history;  yet always plagues and wars take people equally by surprise. We tell ourselves that pestilence is a mere bogy of the mind, a bad dream that will pass away. But it doesnt always pass away and, from one bad dream to another, it is men who pass away.They fancied themselves free, and no one will ever be free so long as there are pestilences.He knew quite well that it was plague and, needless to say, he also knew that, were this to be officially admitted, the authorities would be compelled to take very drastic steps. This was, of course, the explanation of his colleagues reluctance to face the facts. From Part 2 From now on it can be said that plague was the concern of all of us.Thus, for example, a feeling normally as individual as the ache of separation from those one loves suddenly became a feeling in which all shared alike and- together with fear- the greatest affliction of the long period of exile that lay ahead.Thus, too, they came to know the incorrigible sorrow of all prisoners and exiles, which is to live in company with a memory that serves no purpose.Hostile to the past, impatient of the present, and cheated of the future, we were much like those whom mens justice, or hatred, forces to live behind prison bars.The plague was posting sentries at the gates and turning away ships bound for Oran.The public lacked, in short, standards of comparison. It was only as time passed and the steady rise in the death-rate could not be ignored, that public opinion became alive to the truth.You cant understand. Youre using the language of reason, not of the heart; you live in a world of abstractio ns. Many continued hoping that the epidemic would soon die out and they and their families be spared. Thus they felt under no obligation to make any change in their habits, as yet. Plague was an unwelcome visitant, bound to take its leave one day as unexpectedly as it had come.To some the sermon simply brought home the fact that they had been sentenced, for an unknown crime, to an indeterminate period of punishment. And while a good many people adapted themselves to confinement and carried on their humdrum lives as before, there were others who rebelled and whose one idea now was to break loose from the prison-house.I can understand this sort of fervor and find it not displeasing. At the beginning of a pestilence and when it ends, theres always a propensity for rhetoric. In the first case, habits have not yet been lost; in the second, theyre returning. It is in the thick of a calamity that one gets hardened to the truth- in other words, to silence.Death means nothing to men like me. Its the event that proves them right. Whats true of all the evils in the world is true of the plague as well. It helps men to rise above themselves. All the same, when you see the misery it brings, youd need to be a madman, or a coward, or stone blind, to give in tamely to the plague.Paneloux is a man of learning, a scholar. He hasnt come in contact with death; thats why he can speak with such assurance of the truth- with a capital T. But every country priest who visits his parishioners and has heard a man gasping for breath on his deathbed thinks as I do. Hed try to relieve human suffering before trying to point out its goodness.Tarrou nodded. Yes. But your victories will never be lasting; thats all. Rieuxs face darkened. Yes, I know that. But its no reason for giving up the struggle.There comes a time in history when the man who dares to say that two and two do make four is punished with death.Many fledgling moralists in those days were going about our town proclaiming there was nothing to be done about it and we shoul d bow to the inevitable. And Tarrou, Rieux, and their friends might give one answer or another, but its conclusion was always the same, their certitude that a fight must be put up, in this way or that, and there must be no bowing down. Invariably their epical or prize-speech verbiage jarred on the doctor. Needless to say, he knew the sympathy was genuine enough. But it could be expressed only in the conventional language with which men try to express what unites them with mankind in general; a vocabulary quite unsuited, for example, to Grands small daily effort.All this time hed practically forgotten the woman he loved, so absorbed had he been in trying to find a rift in the walls that cut him off from her. But at this same moment, now that once more all ways of escape were sealed against him, he felt his longing for her blaze up again.Ive seen enough people who die for an idea. I dont believe in heroism; I know its easy and Ive  learnt  it can be murderous. What interests me is living and dying for what one loves.Theres no question of heroism in all this. Its a matter of common decency. Thats an idea which may make some people smile, but the only means of fighting a plague is- common decency. From Part 3 No longer were  there  individual destinies; only a collective destiny, made of plague and emotions shared by all.By the force of things, this last remnant of decorum went by the board, and men and women were flung into the death-pits indiscriminately.  Happily,  this ultimate indignity synchronized with the plagues last ravages.So long as the epidemic lasted, there was never any lack of men for these duties. The critical moment came just before the outbreak touched high-water mark, and the doctor had  good  reason for felling anxious. There was then a real shortage of man-power both for the higher posts and for the rough work.The truth is that nothing is less sensational than pestilence, and by reason of their very duration great misfortunes are monotonous.But, really, they were asleep already; this whole period was, for them, no more than a long nights slumber.The habit of despair is worse than despair itself.Evening after evening gave its truest,  mournfulest  expr ession to the blind endurance that had outlasted love from all our hearts. From Part 4 The one way of making people hang together is to give em a spell of the plague.Until now I always felt a stranger in this town, and that Id no concern with you people. But now that Ive seen what I have seen, I know that I belong here whether I want it or not. This business is everybodys business.No, Father.  Ive  a very different idea of love. And until my dying  day  I shall refuse to love a scheme of things in which children are put to torture.No, we should go forward, groping our way through the darkness, stumbling perhaps at times, and try to do what good lay in our power. As for the rest, we must hold fast, trusting in the divine goodness, even as to the deaths of little children, and not seeking personal respite.Nobody is capable of really thinking about anyone, even in the worst calamity.We cant stir a finger in this world without the risk of bringing death to somebody. Yes, Ive been ashamed ever since; I have realized that we all have  plague, and I have lost my pea ce. Whats natural is the microbe. All the rest- health, integrity, purity (if you like)- is a product of the human will, of a vigilance that must never falter. The good man, the man who infects hardly anyone, is the man who has the fewest lapses of attention.Can one be a saint without God? Thats the problem, in  fact  the only problem, Im up against today. From Part 5 Its energy was flagging, out of exhaustion and exasperation, and it was losing, with its self-command, the ruthless, almost mathematical efficiency that had been its trump-card hitherto.Once the faintest stirring of hope became possible, the dominion of the plague was ended.Our strategy had not changed, but whereas yesterday it had obviously failed, today it seemed triumphant. Indeed, ones chief impression was that the epidemic had called a retreat after reaching all its objectives; it had, so to speak, achieved its purpose.Yes, hed make a fresh start, once the period of abstractions was over.It was as if the pestilence, hounded away by cold, the street-lamps and the crowd, had fled from the depths of the town.So all a man could win in the conflict between plague and life was knowledge and memories.Once plague had shut the gates of the town, they had settled down to a life of separation, debarred from the living warmth that gives forgetfulness of all.If there is one thing one can alw ays yearn for and sometimes attain, it is human love. What we learn in time of pestilence: that there are more things to admire in men than to despise.He knew that the tale he had to tell could not be one of final victory. It could be only the record of what had to be done, and what assuredly would have to be done again in the never-ending fight against terror and its relentless onslaughts.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Media & the Dispora Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Media & the Dispora - Essay Example Georgiou in the article, â€Å"Identity, space and the media† argues that people through information can decide if to connect or to disconnect with certain individuals or communities in neighbourhoods or in faraway places (Georgiou 31). For example through media, a person living in California can learn of an opportunity in France, which is part of what they have always wished to do in their lifetime. The same media will help the person analyse other aspects that will make them comfortable in pursuing the opportunity. Such may be political environment of the place, Inflation, people friendliness, cost of living and the education system. Secondly, media avails information about politics and cultures of origin, place of settlement, diaspora individuals and groups. Beck argues that this can create critical proximity where they become aware that they are not just a product of their origin. In addition, they do not just belong to a single group, or located in a certain territory and this enables diaspora identity to be lived as multi positioned by symbolic and geographical spaces. Becky also argues that the high mobility as a result causes intermarriages in different countries and cultures, which becomes a gateway to globalisation in once life (Georgiou 31). Diaspora on the other hand has affected media through innovation. Daily interactions with people of different backgrounds, races and cultures have caused innovations in the media industry to cater for various needs of different societies. Reality unveiled through diaspora have helped understand it is not important what is inside a certain group, neither is continuity important but reinvention of limits where human beings find themselves in. therefore, a clear and deep understanding of spaces and diaspora are important in ensuring that people utilise these two constructs for economic, social, and other benefits. We conclude therefore that media and diaspora are inseparable and very

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Water clock Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Water clock - Research Paper Example However this is not the case and many experiments are underway all around the globe to find the best product possible which can wake up an individual as ordinary alarms do not do the trick when it comes to waking them up from sleep. The product that has been chosen for the sake of this paper is that of a water clock which is in the form of a top lamp. It aims to spill water on to the sleeper if he does not get up and avoids using the alarm so that he could get an extra dose of sleep in the early hours of the morning. This paper will discuss the basis of a water clock and how it has been studied from the aspect of four dimensions of the marketing – product, price, place and promotion. The water clock runs with electricity and is basically an alarm clock. It is different from other clocks because it has a water tank fitted inside it. However this water tank is small in size and does not take that much space. The water clock is an interesting idea because it helps the sleeper to wake up and get on his toes immediately. The basic intention is to make him feel all soggy so that shall wake him up quickly. Some people find it hard to digest the fact that they would be spilled with water so early in the morning; however the advantages of such a water clock cannot be denied at all, especially if the sleeper believes in having deep sleep patterns. The water clock acts as a deterrent to sleeping for long period of time, thus offering a chance to the sleeper to be on his toes instantly. As far as comparing it with other products in the market is concerned, the water clock acts as a product that is one step ahead of them. Other products make use of the cell (alkaline battery ) technology while this water clock is run through electricity alone. Hence if the cells go off in the middle of the night, the sleeper can still be assured that his water clock will wake him up early in the morning, at his own designated time. The

Sunday, November 17, 2019

A Comparison of Four Literary Works Essay Example for Free

A Comparison of Four Literary Works Essay Great writing does not necessarily make a great work of literature. More often than not, there has to be something special about a writer’s work of art. This could be also considered their trademarks, signatures that had set them on canonical status. Shakespeare has his soliloquies, Hawthorne attacks the Puritans, Hemmingway uses symbols, Borges possesses fondness for infinity, and the list goes on. However, there could be some similarities between these literary signatures of writers. It is important to take note that having similarities does not render a writer less special than others. What is remarkable about the works sharing similarities in their trademarks is that they all express a common concern—concerns that could be considered as major issues in the society. The selected works had all talked about women and social status.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The literary works that this paper would feature are Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"The Birthmark†, Flannery O’Connor’s â€Å"A Goodman Is Hard To Find†, William Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose For Emily†, and James Joyce’s â€Å"The Dead.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hawthorne’s â€Å"The Birthmark† had shown us how the male-dominated society perceives women. In the narrative, there was a beautiful woman named Georgiana. She was almost perfect, however, her most visible flaw was her hand-shaped birthmark on her cheek—thus the title. She was married to a scientist named Aylmer who is not pleased with Georgiana’s birthmark. Since he was a scientist, Aylmer conducted a procedure to supposedly fix his wife’s face. As a consequence of the Aylmer’s discontent, Georgiana died while under operation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hawthorne story tells us that women are commonly judged according to their physical appearance and not according to the beauty of their intellect and character. Moreover, the story suggested to us that the pride of the male specie is on of the main reason for the oppression of women in the society. It is very likely that Aylmer had treated his beautiful wife as a mere accessory to display to the public. As we could observe in the history of societies, husbands are judged according to their wives, and vice-versa.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In William Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose For Emily†, women are presented in a rather disturbing manner. The story is basically about a former aristocrat woman who had kept the corpse of her beloved in her bedroom. That is not to mention that she is the one who killed her beloved and she had slept with the dead corpse—â€Å"slept†, with all the connotations of the word.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Faulkner has this talent to disturb people with seemingly harmless countryside scenarios. But what is remarkable about this particular work is the depiction of how a woman could love a man. A woman’s version of love is a topic that is rarely touched throughout the long history of literature. â€Å"A Rose For Emily† tells us that a woman could love unconditionally even if their love is unrequited. Moreover, â€Å"A Rose For Emily† touches the topic of social status. In the story, Emily came from a family of aristocrat status. The object of her affection, Homer Barron, came from a common family. The difference in their social status had somehow prevented them from getting married. In addition to that, it is Emily’s social status that had made the townspeople treat her differently. On a different tone, Flannery O’Connor’s â€Å"A Goodman Is Hard To Find† had depicted women and social status on a less favorable stance. The protagonist of the story was an annoying grandmother. The family in the story wanted to go to Florida, but the grandmother insisted that they go to Tennessee. The grandmother cited the news that there was a roaming criminal along the way to Florida just to scare off the family. On their way to Florida, the grandmother’s words became true that she and the family had actually encountered the criminal. As a ploy to save herself, the grandmother constantly tells the criminal sarcastic remarks like â€Å"you are a nice person.† With regards to social status, the criminal was aware that the grandmother was just pretending to treat him as a nice person. The criminal already knows what to expect from the society with regards to place of criminals within the social thread. The criminal knows that people like him would always be discriminated by people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is almost the same case for James Joyce’s â€Å"The Dead.† The author had reiterated the notion that women are good at telling lies. The disturbing ending of the narrative tells the readers that Gretta, the wife of the protagonist (Gabriel), was deeply in love with someone who already died. The conflict was she was already married with an insecure man. The ending of the story shows us how Gretta’s action of not telling her husband her past had such a tragic impact on his insecurities. On the note of social status, Gabriel’s insecurities were highlighted during the gathering, where most of the plot had developed. His insecurities were most rooted from his social status. When he was interacting with people of higher social status, he would be insecure of his intellect, language, and physical appearance. There is a subtle hint in the story that social status has some effects on a person’s confidence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   All in all, the recurring themes of women and social status could be roughly considered as clichà ©s. However, it is important to take into consideration that these issues should not be forgotten. It is just remarkable for these great writers to reiterate these issues that the society is seemingly eluding. Moreover, the recurrence of these themes tells us that the issues of women and social status are still unresolved by the society. Perhaps if people would read these stories, the society could come up with solutions to the problems at hand.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   If I were made to choose a favorite among the feature stories, I would have to choose Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose For Emily.† Aside from its innovative use of point of view through the townspeople, the story touches themes that are both close to heart, like love, and socially relevant like social status. Works Cited Faulkner, William. A Rose for Emily. An Introduction to Literature. Ed. Joseph Terry. New York: Longman, 2001 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. â€Å"The Birthmark†. Demas, C. Various, Mjf. Great American Short Stories: From Hawthorne to Hemingway.   Spark Educational Publishing: USA, 2004 Joyce, James.   Dubliners. Penguin Books: England, 1993 OConnor, Flannery. A Good Man is Hard to Find. NJ:   Rutgers University Press, 1993

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Communication Problems in the Workplace Essay -- Personal Narratives C

Communication Problems in the Workplace I work at Geneva Ace Hardware. My most important job, among my many duties, is to help customers. Usually everything goes ok, but there are always a few customers that can be hard to deal with. I’ve had to deal with Mexicans who can barely speak English. I’ve had to deal with Mexicans who use their 5 year old children/grandchildren as translators. I once had to deal with a Canadian couple whose accent was so rich; I would have about a 30 second delayed response to try to convert their English into my English. Then there are the people who just won’t accept my help because I’m only a kid. None of these people compare to the dude that was deaf. About a month ago I was standing in the main aisle of Ace chatting with Lambert, one of my coworkers. As we were talking, I noticed a guy approaching us. When I looked over my shoulder, I saw him stare right into my eyes, so I knew he needed some help. This was a big guy. He must have been 5’10† and 350 pounds, but it wasn’t exactly like he was fat. He was the kind of guy that had a lot of muscle, and then he had a layer of fat over that. This dude’s forearms were bigger than my lower legs. He had short, brown hair with a receding hairline. He had on work clothes, and he was sporting a big pair of wire-rimed glasses. These are the kind of glasses my grandpa would wear. This guy was probably in his late 40’s, but his karma made him appear much older. Anyway, as he’s approaching, I asked him if...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Different businesses and their ownerships Essay

Introduction- The purpose of this report is to look at economic development matters and what encourages new businesses to locate to a new business park. I will be investigating two contrasting businesses that will create new jobs in the local economy. For the voluntary sector I have chosen Oxfam and for the private sector I have chosen Topshop. I have chosen Topshop and Oxfam as my two contrasting businesses. Topshop is a young girls and women’s clothes shop. This business is international and has stores all over the country. Topshop has 300 stores they are still growing and expanding. The owner of Topshop owns other retail shops like Miss Selfridge and Dorothy Perkins. Topshop is part of Arcadia, a public limited company is owned by shareholders, which may be members of the public. Their shares can be bought and sold on the stock exchange. Topshop is run by a board of directors. These people make the major decisions within the business. They have limited liability; this means if the business gets into debt and cannot pay it, the business will get sued. This is known as incorporation. The shareholders’ personal assets cannot be taken to pay the debt; they are then only liable for how much they have invested in the business. The purpose of Topshop is to sell range of clothes for the public to buy, also to make profit. Oxfam is an international charity that was founded in 1942 in England. This organisation provides help to poor countries and disaster affected areas. The purpose of this contrasting business is to help people rebuild lives working on long term projects with communities determined to help ensure they have a better future. Topshop have their own aims and objectives, their aims are: Profit and profit maximisation – they want to make as much profit as they can Survival- they as a business want to be able to survive within the clothes industry and not fail because other businesses similar to them are opening up. Growth- they also want to be able to grow and expand their business and set up more stores in different part of the world to maximise their profit. Their SMART objectives are: SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, and Realistic, time Constrained. Their objectives are Specific because Topshop will only aim to focus on clothing and fashion accessories particularly directed at women. Measureable in this context will mean that Top shop’s market share can be easily assessed and get to know of their changing needs and wants. Achievable because their business strategies can be stretched to achieve the desired market share. Realistic would be whether they are actually achievable or not. Time constrained will mean they will achieve all the objectives by a certain time. Oxfam also have their own aims and objectives, their aims are: Oxfam’s aims are: To help people in poor countries and relieve poverty Help provide education for people who are in need of it They take donations like toys and clothes, and then they sell on for money and all the money goes to that charity. Raise money and encourage charitable giving. Oxfam’s objectives include To provide clean hospitals To be caring and welcoming to new people To be well organised Give the best possible treatment they can Give as much advice as they can Within Topshop there are a number of different stakeholders which influence the purpose of the business. The purpose of Topshop is to provide good products for customers and also to provide a good service. A stakeholder is anyone with an interest in a business. These can be individuals, groups or organisations and they are affected by the activity of the business. Topshop’s stakeholders: Customers- The businesses aims are set to please the customers and live up the customer expectations. The customers of Topshop expect high quality and value for money clothes and products. They also expect the latest fashion trends and to look good in them as they are paying so much. Topshop as a big clothing shop are aiming to make the working conditions better for the people that are producing their products so then the customers know the clothes have been made in good working conditions which is a benefit . If the customers at Topshop didn’t get what they wanted, they could go elsewhere. Therefore customers have an influence over how Topshop run their business. Employees- Topshop need employees to help the business to expand and open a range of stores. Employees can influence Topshop by contacting their trade unions if they’re not happy with their working conditions. Their point of view would be to make sure they have good rates of pay, good working conditions, contract of employment sick pay and holiday entitlements. Suppliers- For Topshop to make enough profit to keep the business running, they will need suppliers to be able to buy products and sell them to customers. Without suppliers the business wouldn’t survive. Owners- Owners are shareholders in the business, people that have invested in Topshop. If Topshop didn’t have shareholders then the business wouldn’t run as well. Trade unions- It’s an organisation which supports workers when they are in disputes with their employees over the rates of pay they are getting or working conditions they are in. If the manager of the business does not agree with the trade unions or employees then Topshop could lose staff over this. Local communities The community may shop in Topshop as it’s the closest store to them. This will influence Topshop by having local customers who may always have a quick look in their store when they have time. This will increase profit for  Topshop. Government- They make all the laws which Topshop have to stick to. This means if they don’t stick to these laws they could get fined and loses customers over. In conclusion, some stakeholders will have a much bigger influence compared to the others. For example staff could go elsewhere and find a new job and work there instead. Oxfam’s stakeholders Customers- Customers in Oxfam will buy products and the money made will go to the charity then gets passed on the people to provide them with foods, clothes etc. If Oxfam didn’t have customers then they wouldn’t be able to raise money and help people that are in need of education, clothes and food and water. Employees – Oxfam needs employees to help the commerce to expand its self and open more stores up around the world. Also they would need staff to help achieve their aims and objectives. The employees that work at Oxfam are volunteers and they don’t get paid. If they don’t have employees then the business wouldn’t be able to raise money for the charity. Suppliers- They have two types of suppliers, members of the general public who donate second hand goods. They influence Oxfam because if they didn’t donate to this organisation then Oxfam as a charity wouldn’t be able to stock their shops. The second types of suppliers have medical supplies which help people in third world countries. Owners- Oxfam is a charity and as such does not have owners but trustees who help to keep the organisation on track with its aims and purpose. Local communities- Local community donate and buy goods from the charity. They influence Oxfam because they buy goods of them and if they didn’t Oxfam wouldn’t be able to achieve their target of making money to give to that charity. Government – The government make laws and legislation which Oxfam must follow. They  influence them because Oxfam may have to change the way they work and how they run the business. In conclusion, the stakeholders of Oxfam have a big influence on the business and how they run the business. For example, employees have the biggest amount of influence because if the business doesn’t have enough staff they wouldn’t be able to expand the business and create more stores around the world to raise more money. Both organisations have a number of different stakeholders. Each of the stakeholders will have a level of influence on the businesses. Some stakeholders will have more influence than others. The stakeholders that I think would have the most influence in Topshop would be customers, employees, government and shareholders. Topshop’s main aim is to make a profit. Customers in Topshop want the latest fashionable clothes at reasonable prices. They also expect high quality products t hat last the season. If Topshop introduced clothes that did not meet their customers’ expectations then sales would decrease and Topshop would not be able to achieve their aims and objectives as they wouldn’t be making enough money to make a profit. Employees that work in Topshop have an influence on the businesses aims and objectives because if they didn’t have employees to work in the stores then they wouldn’t meet their aims and objectives as a business because people have any to buy the product off. Also employees are needed widely for expanding the business to different part of the world and opening more of the stores. The government also have a big influence on Topshop’s business aims and objectives as they make all the laws for not only that business but other businesses too and if the business doesn’t follow or stick to those rules then they will get fined and could have a bad reputation created which would have negative influences on them as current cust omers may be put off buying products from them and go to one of their competitors close by like New Look or River Island. Shareholders are the last of the four stakeholders I think have a big influence on Topshop’s aims and objectives. They are important because the store wouldn’t grow and expand if they didn’t have owners. Both organisations have a number of different stakeholders. Each of the stakeholders will have a level of influence on the businesses. Some stakeholders will have more influence than others. The stakeholders that I think would have the most influence in Oxfam would be volunteers, customers. I think volunteers would have a big influence on the businesses aims and  objectives for Oxfam because without volunteers, the stores wouldn’t be able to run and that means the charity would have money donated for the charity. Oxfam is not out there to make a profit; the business would be struggling not because of them not making a profit as there wouldn’t be anyone to work in the shops. Customers are very important in the influence of Oxfam’s aims and objectives as the business wants to have second hand goods handed in from the customers and then people will buy the second hand goods if they know the money is going to charity. If the customers weren’t coming into the charity shops then this would affect their aim to raise money because there is no-one to buy the products. Overall, I know that within the two contrasting businesses I have described above, they both have a number of different stakeholders that have an influence on their businesses aims and objectives.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Ethical Issues Surrounding Gay Marriage Essay

When I think of Ethical issues in the world today, Gay Marriage seems to hits me the hardest. Now Maybe it is the fact that I am bisexual myself or that I have a homosexual uncle who has been married for 2 years. Either way, I am a strong supporter of the entire marriage institution, especially gay marriage. In this paper I will first indentify the ethical issue of gay marriage and specifically explore the ethical problems gay marriage presents including their pros and cons. I will then explain the classical theory of and determine how it would resolve the problems at hand. Next I will continue by contrasting the theoretical solution with perspective of towards gay marriage. Lastly, I will go over which view is the closest to my own personal outlook of gay marriage. Let’s begin with the ethical issue at hand, Gay Marriage. The right for homosexual couples to become married is frowned upon in most of the world. In fact, Gay Marriage is and has been one of the greatest ethical issues in the United States since Slavery and Women Rights. In my own personal opinion, I believe Same-sex Marriage should not be an ethical issue. What is unethical, is how A person may lie, cheat, or fornicate, and still experience the grace of God; but if they are in a gay relationship they are somehow socially damned. I believe by denying any one person their constitution rights to equality is wrong. If a person is homosexual and they choose to marry their significant other, they have the civil right to do so under the constitution as a U. S. citizen. By denying any one person the right to marry whomever they choose, that is a violation of said persons civil rights, because marriage holds legal civil status. We all are Americans who have the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. How can anyone deny Americans this right primarily because of their sexual orientation? People pride themselves on being law abiding citizens, but choose to discriminate against homosexual person’s lifestyle and love interest based on the so called facts written many years ago in a â€Å"religious† book. The Bible is not the law! That is one thing that most religious groups have not yet grasped. No matter what any one person’s religious beliefs are, there is no law, power, or authority that gives them the right to push their religious beliefs onto another’s life. I do not nor have I ever thought religion should ever be the deciding factor in the worlds verdict about gay marriage? Today the growing acceptance of homosexuality is a direct threat to the domination of traditional Christian norms. According to the Christian Bible and many other religions texts, there is the believe that marriage is meant solely between a man and women, anything else is considered a act of sin. However, due to the bible stating that one should not pass judgment on another, many churches are more recently accepting same-sex couples. Personally speaking, many religious â€Å"church goers† use the bible as a means to attack others. They walk around presenting this holier than thou appearance, but neglect to follow all of the teachings their bible possesses. It is funny how those same religious groups that try to argue that gay marriage is a sin are the same people that are protesting to band their children’s public schools of religious content and practices. The separation of Church and State has been put into place in many U. S. cities. Knowing this, I do not understand how any government is to follow the rules on the separation of church and state, but then be given the right to place laws against gay marriage solely based of the Bibles written word. Homosexuals do not spend time going around telling heterosexual people that they are not allowed to engage in intercourse until marriage, while that’s in the bible. The Bible vs. The Constitution seems to play the biggest role in the argument against gay marriage. People have stated, â€Å"the constitution should be changed, its outdated. † However, their entire argument is incorporating the first amendment right of freedom of speech. before the constitution was written, going against the government was unlawful. No one was allowed to speak their minds. I know that even in the bible when one went against what god said they were punished or put to death. Heterosexuals don’t like certain rights in the constitution that go against their own personal beliefs, but will turn and cater to others, like freedom of speech. Without some of those rights it would be unlawful for me to write this paper. Plus, I would have been murdered some time ago for being a white and black, bisexual man. what most fail to realize is that yes the bible thought of gays as a sin but it also listed a number of other acts as sin. If our lives were truly run solely by the Bible’s scriptures, Gay marriage would be the last of the heterosexuals problems. Especially when most of the worlds murders are committed by heterosexuals. I personally do not like to base my arguments off a source unless I plan to use the entire source as foundation. I cannot say the constitution is wrong solely off on right I do not agree with. But turn around and accept the others that cater to my better living. That would label me as a hypocrite. Just like how many people use their religious beliefs to fight gay rights, but fail to follow other aspects of the bibles teachings. I am just human, who am I to judge anyone. This is just one of the many reasons why I can argue that many of the firm believers against gay marriage are set in hypocritical views. People against gay marriage claim that marriage is dedicated to starting a family. They argue that with marriage you have children and build a happy home. However, for many people, marriage is more about love and mutual trust than about starting a family, and so they would say that gay marriage is not an issue. So for those who say it’s only to start a family, I would call this a delusional fantasy. For one there are more broken homes in the world now than anything. Now yes, Homosexual couples cannot physically reproduce on their own. However, this does not give reasonability to deny the couple the right to marry. There are heterosexual couples that cannot physically have children of their own as well. There are many women out in the world that cannot bear children due to a numerous amount of health issues. My own aunt Kelly was told that she can never have children of her own. Her body just doesn’t have the strength and or properly functioning organs to create life. The same goes for many men. I have a neighbor that recently told me that he has a condition that denies him the ability to produce reproductive sperm. As he likes to say, â€Å"he is shooting blanks. † Knowing this I didn’t see any government laws stopping them from getting married. My aunt was told about her inabilities to birth, over 20 years ago. Today she has been married twice. May I remind you that she is a heterosexual woman that cannot have children of her own and is still legally allowed to marry. In today’s world, there are many alternative options for couples to start a family. The most popular way is adoption. Also, there is much more controversy no-a-days regarding adoption . It has become apparent that more and more Homosexual couples are going outside of the United States to adopt children. They are forced to go outside of the United states due to the fact that they are not legally allowed to adopt here in the states. Lesbian and gay-parented families may be more likely than others to include members from more than one ethnic group . So because the government wants to discriminate against the homosexual lifestyles, there are more and more American children left without a home. No one that can legally adopt them is stepping up for the responsibility. It is true that you truly respect something more that you have to fight for. My grandmother used to tell me this since I was really young. There are so many heterosexuals out there that are â€Å"horrible parents† or that take the gift of parenting for granted. They do drugs and make extreme decisions that break up their families or make the decision to rid themselves of the responsibility of parenting all together. I speak from person experience. As a young boy at the age of 5, my mother gave me and my 5 younger siblings up to child protective services. At the time she chose her friends and her drug abuse over her children and family. She did not care whether we would be okay or not, she dropped me off with only 1 shoe. All my mother cared about was being able to get high without the guilt of us seeing her do it. I ended up back in the family, but my siblings were all separated some are still in the system. Now I personally have never seen a homosexual couple that are bad parents. It is usually the exact opposite. Homosexual couples have to fight in order to build their families so they try not to do anything to mess that chance up. I have also never met a homosexual couple that didn’t want children. Along with starting families, those against gay marriage also argue that children brought up in a same-sex marriage household are taught morals and beliefs. Some say that this type of household is poisonous to the child, that it teaches them to go against â€Å"our creator†. what if their families do not share in the same religious beliefs as others. Contrary to what most assume, there are many people that do not believe in God. Just like there are many cultures that believe in gay rights. So no one can make the basis of their argument on â€Å"the creator† when not everyone believes in him. Also, they like to say that by growing up in a gay household, the child is going to turn gay. the association between religious attendance and attitudes toward gay marriage is mediated by a belief that sexual orientation is a choice rather than innate & . This is so ridiculous in so many ways. For one being gay is not a disease, you can’t just catch it. Being gay is not something you inhabit like a accent. People are not made gay they are born gay; its just a matter of when they decide to accept it. I was raised in a house with a male and female parenting role, and I still knew I was different. I am a bisexual male and so are many of my friends. These friends of mine were raised in all types of different households, but known were raised in same-sex households. At the same time I have 3 friends that were adopted and raised by two homosexual men and not a single one of them are gay. They are all in heterosexual relationships and never once thought of being with the same-sex. These are a few examples of discrimination against gay marriage. Another major problem with gay marriage that people are beginning to argue is the affect of heterosexual couples. Many people argue that the world will change for heterosexual couples if same-sex marriages were allowed. Income taxes is one on the many reasons they have behind this outrages claim. Many people are in the belief that income taxes will be increased. Also, the IRS gives certain credits and benefits to those individuals that have children and other dependants. Heterosexuals believe that the government will be forced to apply the same financial benefits and credits on income taxes towards homosexual couples which they believe will lower everyone’s benefits. Along with their income taxes, they’re under the assumption that social security taxes will increased and the benefits decrease if the government has to provide accommodation for these same-sex married couples. One of the more common ignorant claims is regarding heath care. People are arguing that their medical insurance premiums will rise based on these stereotypical images of homosexual lifestyles. They have always believed that homosexuals get diseases and illnesses like Aids or HIV easier than heterosexuals. Based on this belief they think that there will be a higher health care needs associated to the treatment of these more at risk diseases. These potential changes in circumstances do not hold enough credibility to deny a person the right to join the institution of marriage. It is unethical to claim the power to control if someone can get married. Most of the world believes Gay marriage is unethical. I have to disagree with that assumption. This is another way that heterosexuals choose to be hypocrites. Using Arranged marriage as an example, I prove my case. Mostly everyone in the world, whether homosexual or heterosexual, can agree that arranged marriage is unethical. Many people believe that all want arranged marriage is wrong because you should have the right to choose whom you marry. So how is that any different than what homosexuals want. Homosexuals are also being denied the chance to marry who they choose. Again being hypocritical! People believe Marriage is about love and commitment. Both homosexuals and those forced into arranged marriages are victims. Neither gets to decide what they want to do, how to live, who to love. The only difference between the two is that at least arranged marriage is marriage. The couple that is actually in love cannot be married. When two people fall in love, they all want the same thing. They dream of this life together, married, with a family, and more. Why should homosexuals be revoked that reality. It should not matter if you are gay or straight, you should be able to get married if you want. On another note I also, do not believe that anyone should have to travel away from home to legally get married. Some people have to travel multiple states away, because none of the states near them allow same-sex marriage. The day that all 50 states come to the same decision accepting gay marriage will not come anytime soon, but I do hope I am still alive to see a good size amount of them jump the bandwagon. This is one way that would begin to solve the issue. When it comes to gay marriage, I believe the classical theory of Utilitarianism would help solve many of the problems. Utilitarianism is a consequential theory. It is the view that the morally right action is the action that produces the most good . The Utilitarian view seeks to maximize the overall good in a situation. In other words, one should always act in a way that produces the greatest good for the greatest number of people. It is proven that there are fewer people against same-sex marriage, than for it. So the theory of Utilitarianism is the best resolution to the issue the ethical problems of gay marriage. If the government acted with utilitarian views, then we would have less anger, debate, spend less money on a unnecessary battle. Along with this view one would also need a clear perspective of the issue. A clear perspective of the issue of same-sex marriage would be relativism. Relativism is the idea that one’s beliefs and values are understood in terms of one’s society, culture, or even one’s own individual values . It is the philosophical concept that all points of view are equally valid, and that all truth is relative to the individual . Both sides that are involved realize that neither side will ever agree nor neither side is right or wrong. Each Society, culture or religious group is formed by its own ethical values and beliefs, with how they see things to be right and wrong. I believe that when it comes to gay marriage everyone is going to have to agree to disagree. Religion is the top reason to why people are against same-sex marriage. What church goers fail to realize is that they are forcing their religious beliefs onto not only the homosexuals but to all. Everyone has their own views and when Homosexuals try to voice theirs, they are attacked, (metaphorically). The only way that this problem is ever going to get anywhere is if both sides try to understand that just because everyone doesn’t share your same views and beliefs, that doesn’t make them wrong. The cannot ignorantly believe that everyone automatically shares their beliefs. Homosexuals are already at this point, they are the hypocrites in this situation. All they want is equality, the same equality that everyone else has been fighting for all these years. In conclusion, I have indentified the ethical issue of gay marriage and explored the ethical problems gay marriage presents including the pros and cons. I then explained how the classical theory of Utilitarianism would resolve those problems. I continued by contrasting the theoretical solution with perspective of relativism towards gay marriage. Lastly, I went over which view is the closest to my own personal outlook of gay marriage. I do not believe that there should even be such a thing as â€Å"gay marriage†. The title itself is discriminatory. Gay people do not go around referring to a heterosexual couple’s marriage as straight marriage. So why should a society filled with diverse lifestyles be allowed to refer to homosexual marriages as â€Å"gay marriage†. Marriage is marriage, either way. It should not be labeled as any other. Whether, heterosexual or Homosexual, it’s the same institution and should hold the same rights. At the end of the day I am a firm believer that the discrimination against gay marriage should be outlawed. Gay people do value the institution of marriage, therefore their relationship and want to marry is ethical in my eyes. References Driver, J. (2009, June 21). The History of Utilitarianism. Retrieved from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: http://plato. stanford. edu/archives/sum2009/entries/utilitarianism-history/ Haider-Markel, D. P. (2008). Beliefs about the origins of homosexuality and support for gay rights. Public Opinion Quarterly, 72, pp. 291–310. doi:10. 1093/poq/nfn015 Mosser, K. (2010). Introduction to Ethics and Social Responsibility. San Diego: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Patterson, C. J. (2013). Children of Lesbian and Gay Parents: Psychology, Law, and Policy. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 1(S), 27–34. Rosenfeld, M. J. (2007). The age of independence: Interracial Unions, Same-sex Unions, and the Changing American Family. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University. Swoyer, C. (2010, December 21). Relativism. Retrieved from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/relativism/ Todd, N. R. , & Ong, K. S. (2012). Political and Theological Orientation as Moderators for the Association Between Religious Attendance and Attitudes Toward Gay Marriage for White Christians. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 4(1), 56–70.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Enzyme Action Testing Catalase Activity essays

Enzyme Action Testing Catalase Activity essays Enzyme Action: Testing Catalase Activity Enzymes are proteins that serve as catalysts and accelerate chemical reactions in living organisms. Enzymes accomplish this by lowering the energy of activation of the organism it is acting upon, however enzymes will only lower the energy of activation for specific organisms, reducing chaotic chemical reactions. The reaction is carried out in its entirety in the active site of the enzyme. The substrate (organism acted upon), binds itself into the active site, of the enzyme, and the chemical process begins. The enzymes active site will reform itself for the substrate in order to form a perfect bond, this is called induced fit. This is only one of the changes that could occur to accommodate the substrate. For example, the enzyme might change the pH levels to promote the reaction. There are numerous factors that can affect the rate of the chemical changes, four have the greatest affect. They are the concentration of the enzyme, the temperature, the pH level, and the salt concentration. The higher the concentration of the enzyme the faster the rate of change there is upon the organism. The temperature affects the rate in this way; each enzyme has a specific temperature in which it functions at an optimum rate, too low of a temperature, the enzyme will not function at all. However too high of a temperature produces the same results. Third, the pH level will affect the rate, H+ and OH- ions can cause the organism to change shape and become deformed, denature, and cause abnormal functionality. Finally, salt concentration will affect the rate of chemical change because the inorganic ions in salts will interfere with ionic bonds in protein molecules. There are very few factors that influence the function of the enzyme. Some enzymes require cofactors, substances that assist the chemical reaction. Chemical inhibitors can inhibit the enzymes functionality (1) by atta...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

150 Other Words for Said To Supercharge Your Writing (Infographic)

150 Other Words for Said To Supercharge Your Writing (Infographic) 150+ Other Words for "Said" To Supercharge Your Writing â€Å"Dialogue tags† is one of those writerly terms that sounds more complicated than it actually is. You’ve almost certainly used tags (including "said" and all other words for said) in your writing at some point, even if you didn't realize it consciously!But how can you really use them when you’re not entirely sure how they work? If that sounds like you, don't worry; this article will sort you out. Read on for your ultimate guide to dialogue tags - with tips on how to use them in an effective manner and our curated list of 150+ other words for "said." We'll actually start with the latter, for those of you who already know how dialogue tags work and are looking for the perfect synonym.150+ other words for "said"â€Å"Said† is the most common dialogue tag in the English language, and for good reason: it gets the job done. But every so often, you want to kick your writing up a notch with a different tag - that's where this list comes in! Here are 150+ oth er words for said, divided by emotion and/or conversational context to help you find the right word.Or, if you want to take it with you, click on the "Infographic" section in the table of contents (to your left) and download a list of all these words for free! Without further ado, here is a veritable mountain of words to use instead of said.Neutral wordsEach of these words is basically a like-for-like replacement for "said. Infographic (to download)Simply enter your email below to get this infographic in your inbox within minutes.Luckily, figuring out your dialogue tags isn't  quite  this difficult. Image: Paramount Pictures4. Experiment with placementThis is something you can do to keep your dialogue tags fresh and interesting without resorting to overblown verbs. Though so far we’ve only used tags at the end of dialogue, you can also put them at the beginning or in the middle! It requires slightly different punctuation, but pretty much all you need to do is re-order your original phrase to accomplish this.Let’s return to our very first example: â€Å"I can’t wait to read this article,† Rita said. This could become:Rita said, â€Å"I can’t wait to read this article."Or, if you want it to sound more dramatic:â€Å"I can’t wait,† Rita said, â€Å"to read this article.†Again, it’s an easy fix for repetitive tags. Try to stay conscious of how you’re using them, and if you find that too many of your â€Å"he said, she said†s (so to speak) are landing at the end of your dialogue, feel free to mix it up!5. Use description as dialogue tagsThe final way to create dialogue tags in your writing is: don’t use them at all. Or rather, use something else to serve the same function - specifically, description.Using description to indicate who’s speaking is a subtle yet powerful means of tagging your dialogue. Experienced writers employ this technique frequently, and anyone can do so once they understand how! Here’s an example of how description might be used as a dialogue tag:Sara gazed around the room as she paced, trailing her fingers over the furniture. She stopped and looked over her shoulder at Sam. â€Å"Are you sure this is a good idea?†We can clearly tell that Sara is the one talking based on the description: it’s all about her and what she’s doing. At the end, we also get a subject for her to address (Sam).You can also put the dialogue first, followed by the description to clarify:â€Å"We’ve got to catch him! Come on guys, hop in!† Jason hurriedly started the truck, which made a noise like a broken blender.Or you can even have the description in the middle of two pieces of dialogue:â€Å"Oh my God, what happened in here?† Alicia had just come through the doorway and stood frozen in her tracks. Her expression was a mask of horror. â€Å"It looks like a tornado hit!†Basically, you can put this descriptive â€Å"tag† anywhere you want in relation to the dialogue: before, after, or in the middle. As long as there’s something to demonstrate who’s speaking, as well as to what or whom they’re referring, that’s all you need.TakeawaysDialogue tags are a vital tool that every writer should know how to use correctly. Hopefully, this post has helped you understand how to use tags to clarify who’s speaking, as well as how to avoid distracting from what’s being said. Remember, the dialogue is the crown jewel here - but the tag is the solid pedestal that keeps it from falling. 💠ªWhat are your best tips for dialogue tags? Let us know in the comments! 150 Other Words for Said To Supercharge Your Writing (Infographic) 150+ Other Words for "Said" To Supercharge Your Writing â€Å"Dialogue tags† is one of those writerly terms that sounds more complicated than it actually is. You’ve almost certainly used tags (including "said" and all other words for said) in your writing at some point, even if you didn't realize it consciously!But how can you really use them when you’re not entirely sure how they work? If that sounds like you, don't worry; this article will sort you out. Read on for your ultimate guide to dialogue tags - with tips on how to use them in an effective manner and our curated list of 150+ other words for "said." We'll actually start with the latter, for those of you who already know how dialogue tags work and are looking for the perfect synonym.150+ other words for "said"â€Å"Said† is the most common dialogue tag in the English language, and for good reason: it gets the job done. But every so often, you want to kick your writing up a notch with a different tag - that's where this list comes in! Here are 150+ oth er words for said, divided by emotion and/or conversational context to help you find the right word.Or, if you want to take it with you, click on the "Infographic" section in the table of contents (to your left) and download a list of all these words for free! Without further ado, here is a veritable mountain of words to use instead of said.Neutral wordsEach of these words is basically a like-for-like replacement for "said. Simply enter your email below to get this infographic in your inbox within minutes.Luckily, figuring out your dialogue tags isn't  quite  this difficult. Image: Paramount Pictures4. Experiment with placementThis is something you can do to keep your dialogue tags fresh and interesting without resorting to overblown verbs. Though so far we’ve only used tags at the end of dialogue, you can also put them at the beginning or in the middle! It requires slightly different punctuation, but pretty much all you need to do is re-order your original phrase to accomplish this.Let’s return to our very first example: â€Å"I can’t wait to read this article,† Rita said. This could become:Rita said, â€Å"I can’t wait to read this article."Or, if you want it to sound more dramatic:â€Å"I can’t wait,† Rita said, â€Å"to read this article.†Again, it’s an easy fix for repetitive tags. Try to stay conscious of how you’re using t hem, and if you find that too many of your â€Å"he said, she said†s (so to speak) are landing at the end of your dialogue, feel free to mix it up!5. Use description as dialogue tagsThe final way to create dialogue tags in your writing is: don’t use them at all. Or rather, use something else to serve the same function - specifically, description.Using description to indicate who’s speaking is a subtle yet powerful means of tagging your dialogue. Experienced writers employ this technique frequently, and anyone can do so once they understand how! Here’s an example of how description might be used as a dialogue tag:Sara gazed around the room as she paced, trailing her fingers over the furniture. She stopped and looked over her shoulder at Sam. â€Å"Are you sure this is a good idea?†We can clearly tell that Sara is the one talking based on the description: it’s all about her and what she’s doing. At the end, we also get a subject for he r to address (Sam).You can also put the dialogue first, followed by the description to clarify:â€Å"We’ve got to catch him! Come on guys, hop in!† Jason hurriedly started the truck, which made a noise like a broken blender.Or you can even have the description in the middle of two pieces of dialogue:â€Å"Oh my God, what happened in here?† Alicia had just come through the doorway and stood frozen in her tracks. Her expression was a mask of horror. â€Å"It looks like a tornado hit!†Basically, you can put this descriptive â€Å"tag† anywhere you want in relation to the dialogue: before, after, or in the middle. As long as there’s something to demonstrate who’s speaking, as well as to what or whom they’re referring, that’s all you need.TakeawaysDialogue tags are a vital tool that every writer should know how to use correctly. Hopefully, this post has helped you understand how to use tags to clarify who’s speaking, a s well as how to avoid distracting from what’s being said. Remember, the dialogue is the crown jewel here - but the tag is the solid pedestal that keeps it from falling. 💠ªWhat are your best tips for dialogue tags? Let us know in the comments!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Employee safety Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Employee safety - Essay Example The other two research arms were a focus group and interviews. The results showed that management commitment were perceived to be . , and that there was a positive/negative relationship between safety climate and injury rates. A study of the level of safety climate is often used as a measure of the level of management's commitment to safety. Injury rates provide additional information about the multinational companies approach to safety compliance in Ghana. This study will provide each of the construction sites that participate with a formal document that reviews their company's current safety climate, employee perceptions and injury frequency. Further, it is anticipated that this research will contribute to the application of international safety standards in the workplace for employees in developing nations. Also, this study will complement current empirical literature on workplace safety by highlighting and extending understanding of safety climate and injury rates on construction sites. Some of these factors are, the impact of expanding global skills and technologies, the socio-political influence of foreign investments, and general organizational factors impacting worker issues in less-developed nations. ... This study will provide each of the construction sites that participate with a formal document that reviews their company's current safety climate, employee perceptions and injury frequency. Further, it is anticipated that this research will contribute to the application of international safety standards in the workplace for employees in developing nations. Also, this study will complement current empirical literature on workplace safety by highlighting and extending understanding of safety climate and injury rates on construction sites. [just delete everything thing after in recent times] 1.6 Limitations Paragraph one This will however be supported by the focus group, interviews and document reviews. 2.1 Paragraph one Some of these factors are, the impact of expanding global skills and technologies, the socio-political influence of foreign investments, and general organizational factors impacting worker issues in less-developed nations. Together, the interplay of these factors between multinational corporations and the people that they hire direct the socially responsible conduct of employees and their organizations.